Swiss Tax

The European Council has called for the swift enactment of Switzerland’s proposed corporate tax reform package. The recommendation was one of a number of conclusions adopted by the Council regarding the EU’s relations with the Swiss Confederation. The Council said that it welcomes the passage by the Swiss Federal Assembly…

Switzerland’s Government has recently decided on a number of trade matters and reviewed its plans for changes to how it administers vehicle taxes. Approval of trade deals with Ecuador and Turkey On November 21, the Swiss Federal Council approved two trade deals signed on June 25: a new trade deal…

The Swiss Government has announced that, in preparation for a major overhaul of the tax system, existing practices on the taxation of principal companies and finance branches will not be applied to new companies as of 2019. The Government’s Tax Reform and AHV Financing (TRAF) legislation is due to enter…

The two houses of Switzerland’s parliament have said that they are largely in agreement on the main points of the Government’s proposed changes to the corporation tax system. On September 12, the National Council approved tax proposal 17 (TP17). The Council of States adopted a similar text on the proposals…

The Swiss Federal Council has asked the Federal Department of Finance to prepare a consultation on a draft tax reform package by September. Earlier this month, the steering body tasked with drawing up “tax proposal 17” (TP17) published its recommendations. The Council said that it largely took on board the…

Switzerland has explained how it will amend its double tax agreements after it signed the OECD’s new multilateral tax compact to implement anti-base erosion and profit shifting measures. On June 7, Switzerland was one of 76 countries and jurisdictions to sign or express their intention to sign the Multilateral Convention…

Swiss voters have rejected a plan to reform the country’s corporate tax system, sending the government back to the drawing board. Business and political circles in Switzerland had supported the plan, which was designed to prevent taxes rising sharply for foreign investors. However, 59% of voters opposed the plan in…